domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

eyelashes treatment in SUNOL eyelashes treatment SUNOL

eyelashes treatment in SUNOL

eyelashes treatment

eyelashes treatment SUNOL

eyelashes treatment in SUNOL.You should first try to figure out what are the reasons your eyelashes are falling off.
Once you can isolate the reason, it will become fairly easy to take care of the problem.
Before we begin delineating the reasons, it is important for you to know that a certain amount of eyelash falling and replacement is as normal as the hair on your head falling and being replaced.
If it is minimal, there is no need to be alarmed.
You need to treat this as a problem only when you are suddenly and visibly losing eyelash hair.
One of the reasons for eyelashes falling is constant rubbing of the eyes.
Sometimes, this is an inadvertent gesture and we do not realize that we are rubbing our eyes constantly.
Due to this, the eyelash roots, which we are also rubbing vigorously at the same time, become very weak.
Over a period of time, this weakening process dislodges the lash from its root and then suddenly one day, it just falls off.
If this is the reason your eyelashes are falling, you need to stop doing this at once.
Generally, rubbing the eyes is a direct result of a dusty environment, general lack of sleep, or straining your eyes excessively.
Check which of these applies to you and eliminate it from your lifestyle.
Another reason for your eyelashes falling off could also be that you are generally being negligent about your diet.
This usually has an effect on the hair first.
Lack of nutrition in your body will manifest itself in , body pain, fatigue and general tiredness.
You will also notice a general loss of hair otherwise, if this is the case.
Any sort of eye or eyelid infection can also cause your eyelashes to fall off.
It is also not necessary that you will suffer from the loss while you have the infection.
It could also be that the infection is past and then you are suffering from the hair loss.
This is also normal.
One of the best things to do for this problem is to apply castor oil to your lashes.
This should make a considerable difference.
You can also add fenugreek to your diet, as this helps with general overall and development of stronger hair roots all over the body.
If this does not help within a month, you should get the problem check out by an eye doctor.

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